Ray White Choice is an industry-exclusive service for self-managing landlords.
It allows landlords to retain full control of their tenancy alongside targeted Ray White support, providing better outcomes for landlords and tenants alike.
- Routine tenancy inspections
Regular property inspections are conducted with your tenant to help ensure compliance with landlord regulations and insurance policy requirements. - Initial tenancy inspections
Thorough pre-tenancy property inspection and report, provided alongside photographic evidence and property maintenance advice. - Rent management and arrears support
Timely payment monitoring and notifications, detailed ledgers, and arrears management templates and support - Casual letting
Hassle-free tenant sourcing including advertising, application and vetting, and all tenancy-related lease documentation to get your property rented correctly.
We encourage all landlords or tenants, whether you know us or not, to reach out for support as we are happy to help – tenancy management can be a complex business and you don’t need to go it alone.